Monday, March 16, 2015

Report on Robotics

In this report I am reporting on the technology of robotics.  Robotics will be one of the topics that the Immersion Education Summit 2015 will be covering this year.  More information on this summit can be located by clicking on this link Immersive Education 2015.

Robotics is the science where hardware or mechanical objects are programmed by a computer software program to preform a certain physical task.  Robots can be used for many purposes including manufacturing, entertainment, warfare, transport, cleaning, and many more uses.

The first robot was created in 1954 by George Dvorklin.  Most robots are powered by batteries but some have a direct electrical connect, and solar polar connection.  Robots mostly mimic humans and or a human function, some robots can mimic animals as well.  Some robots have been and are currently being programmed to mimic human emotions, personality, and daily life social interaction.  Robots can be self propelled using their own power source but some robots are made to stay in the same position.  Most robots that are in fixed positions might have an arm or a part to them that is capable of being in motion.

Robots are generally made of metal and or plastic composites.  The inside of robots are generally a myriad of wires, microchips, and support rods depending on the robot.  There are currently many robotics companies out there and most specialize in their own robotics niche.  One of the robotics companies named Boston Dynamics came out with a robotic dog in 2005.  Aside from entertainment purposes the dog can be used for transport or military purposes as well.
Some humans can also depend on robotics, there have been many companies out there developing robotic limbs and robotic suits.  These limbs and suits can help paralyzed people walk or help amputees out with daily life.  Check out this Video for a detailed view of a robotic suit.  The US military is now funding various projects involved in developing cyborgs, robotic transit, and more robotic weapons.  If more robots get utilized in the battle field, more lives can be saved, and the US can have a more effective army for the most part.  
Immersive robotics are also becoming more mainstream.  In certain sectors where robotics would be useful but cannot fully replace humans, there is a rapidly growing field.  There have been many cases where surgeons with specific skill sets that cannot be found in certain areas of the world have used immersive robotics to operate on patients from a remote area.  Aside from using immersive robotics for operations, a robotic scientist was also created, the robotic scientist can preform dangerous experiments without jeopardizing any human scientists.  

Immersive robotics also utilizes virtual reality.  For a surgery the robotics are strictly mechanical with a live video feed.  In manufacturing or certain scientific experiments, robotics are paired with virtual reality.  Some robotics firms provide virtual reality headsets so users can virtually see what they are doing with their robot that they are operating.  In many manufacturing plants where robots are used, when one breaks, the entire factory or a segment of a factory needs to shut down.  With Immersive robotics, some factories are using the Oculus rift headset to repair their robots with other robots, rather then risking human lives and or shutting down large segments of the factory.  

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