Monday, January 26, 2015

meshmoon vr worlds

I'm in the high school staring at the instruction signs

                                                                        Here I am looking at the youtube posters/portals

This is me facing the front of the circus

This is me inside the circus looking at the spinning wheel, for some reason I am a different avatar

This is a vr world called new beginning, I am looking at a tent, jeep, and guard post

Still in the new beginning world, staring at the lighthouse

This is an underwater view of stone structure

This is me inside the class bubble staring at the central support beam

This is inside the robot factory, that arm in the middle is in motion.

In the same robot factory looking at the exit

This is in a tundra area, just staring at the trees and the ocean

This is the house in the tundra world

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hello my name is Alexander Koziakov.  I am in my 5th part time year at the Woods College.  My major is Corporate Systems.  This is my second IED class that I am taking and I really enjoyed my last IED classs.  I work full time in the Real Estate field doing rentals, sales, and property management.  I have multiple side projects going on simultaneously in multiple different sectors.   I am originally from the area and I am 23 years old.